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ows4R 0.4 | CRAN_Status_Badge


  • #111 WCSCoverageSummary - Fix download failure due to min/max handling
  • #112 OWSHttpRequest GET doesn’t detect existing params and make GetCapabilities fail
  • #113 WCSGetCoverage- Fix vendor params handling
  • #119 WCS Coverage descriptions - patch to rewrite CRS online resources to https
  • #120 Service requests under CAS do not work anymore

New features

  • #116 Support Service exceptions handling
  • #117 Support pretty print of R6 objects


  • #122 Service exceptions are not always handled in status code 400
  • #123 Missing axis labels handling for WCS coverage envelope
  • #124 Optimize WFS getFeatures depending on the outputFormat
  • #126 Add skipXmlComments as internal arg for OWS http XML requests
  • #128 Make feature validation as arg, and default to TRUE for backward compatibility

ows4R 0.3-6 | CRAN_Status_Badge

CRAN release: 2023-09-01


  • #110 ‘hasGeometry’ based on FeatureType description is not enough in case propertyNames is used with geom


  • #109 Improve CSV support for WFS

ows4R 0.3-5 | CRAN_Status_Badge

CRAN release: 2023-04-13


  • #106 ows4R will switch off s2 by default (s2 is not ISO/OGC compliant)

ows4R 0.3-4 | CRAN_Status_Badge

CRAN release: 2023-03-10


  • #102 OWSHttpRequest - issue with json format not handled as text


  • #101 WFS - Ensure features CRS are inherited

ows4R 0.3-3 | CRAN_Status_Badge

CRAN release: 2023-01-12


  • #99 CRS not inherited with WFS/GetFeatures

ows4R 0.3-2 | CRAN_Status_Badge

CRAN release: 2022-11-08


  • #89 Align WCS getCoverage arguments with wrapper
  • #91 getCoverage needs to download in tempdir instead of current wd, when no filename is provider
  • #96 summary$getDimensions() not returning coefficients anymore


  • #88 describeCoverage & getCoverage not returning all rangeType info for multiband coverages (supported through geometa#187 - OGC SWE support - geometa#197 enhancement)
  • #89 Allow geometa classes inheritance using ows4R:: (supported through geometa#201 enhancement)

ows4R 0.3-1 | CRAN_Status_Badge

CRAN release: 2022-08-19


  • #87 Upgrade roxygen2 7.2.1 to fix html issues

ows4R 0.3 | CRAN_Status_Badge

CRAN release: 2022-07-05

New features

  • #9 WCS client support
  • #58 Implement ‘exact’ find method for WMS layers
  • #63 CAS authentication client support
  • #64 Support httr config argument for OGC service clients
  • #73 Implement progress bar in OWS GET data requests
  • #74 Get all styles of a WMS layer


  • #61 Generalize auth-related arguments in OWS Http requests
  • #78 Remove dependency with rgdal


  • #56 Duplicate feature with findFeatureTypeByName
  • #76 WFS getFeatures with json and csv do not work - bad writer

ows4R 0.2 | CRAN_Status_Badge

CRAN release: 2021-11-30


  • #45 WFS featureType getDescription fails as prettified when missing properties
  • #49 OWS Capabilities components not correctly parsed when ref namespace is from service (eg. wms)


  • #41 Add control on hasGeometry in case geom excluded from propertyNames
  • #42 Support other WFS output formats than GML
  • #44 Warning raised when reading WFS capabilities / proj4 with +init

New features

  • #10 Support WPS client version 1.0.0
  • #15 Generalize auth to clients/requests
  • #43 Support WMS GetCapabilities, GetFeatureInfo requests

ows4R 0.1-5 | CRAN_Status_Badge

CRAN release: 2020-05-27


  • #34 WFS – Support coercing of date/datetime fields
  • #35 WFS – Improve support of WFS 2.0
  • #36 WFS – findFeatureTypeByName fixes
  • #37 WFS – Support for xsd:float primitive type
  • #38 WFS – add pretty option for feature type description
  • #39 CSW – fix getRecordById for feature catalogue (ISO 19110) parsing

ows4R 0.1-4 | CRAN_Status_Badge

CRAN release: 2019-11-12


*#32 Regression with WFS getfeatures - issue when setting CQL_filter

ows4R 0.1-3 | CRAN_Status_Badge

CRAN release: 2019-11-05


  • #14 debug parameter shouldn’t be passed to OWS requests
  • #30 WFS - Handle Resulttype Hits get features response


No enhancements

New Features

  • #16 Add support for Bearer (token) authentication
  • #28 Support geometa record validate/inspire options in CSW-T

ows4R 0.1-2 | CRAN_Status_Badge

CRAN release: 2019-06-18


  • #12 Issue with maxRecords parameter scope in getRecords
  • #13 Bad XML encoding of OGC BBOX Expression
  • #19 mapping FeatureType datatypes fails with case sensitive datatypes


  • #18 Issue with missing EPSG:404000 code not found in init file
  • #20 WFS FeatureTypeElement support xs/xsd types & elements restrictions
  • #24 improve getFeatureTypes
  • #21 Test insertion / update of multi-lingual metadata records

New Features

  • #16 add function to reload client capabilities

ows4R 0.1-1 | CRAN_Status_Badge

CRAN release: 2019-05-26


  • #12 Issue with maxRecords parameter scope in getRecords
  • #13 Bad XML encoding of OGC BBOX Expression
  • #19 mapping FeatureType datatypes fails with case sensitive datatypes (support to #17)


  • #16 Add function to reload client capabilities
  • #18 Handle specific CRS wildcard EPSG:404000
  • #20 WFS FeatureTypeElement support xs/xsd types & elements restrictions (support to #17)
  • #21 Test insertion / update of multi-lingual metadata records

New Features

No new features at now

ows4R 0.1-0 | CRAN_Status_Badge

CRAN release: 2018-08-31

New features

  • #8 Allow authentication on OWS Requests
  • #7 Prepare 1st release on CRAN
  • #6 Set up travis-ci build for integration tests / quality assurance
  • #5 OGC Filter Encoding + XML representation
  • #4 OWS (Common Web-Service) OGC - OWS
  • #3 CSW Client, versions 2.0.2 (including Transaction and Harvest), partial support for 3.0
  • #2 WFS Client, versions 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 2.0.0 for main operations (GetCapabilities, DescribeFeatureType, GetFeature
  • #1 Set-up package structure