Contributing guidelines - 2023-03-07 - version 1 (subject to revision/consolidation) |
The geometa project openly welcomes contributions (bug reports, bug fixes, code enhancements/features, etc.). This document will outline some guidelines on contributing to geometa
. As well, the geometa discussions is a great place to get an idea of how to connect and participate in geometa community, and it should be used primarily for questions regarding the use of geometa.
geometa has the following modes of contribution:
Contributors to this project are expected to act respectfully toward others in accordance with the geometa code of conduct.
Contributors are asked to confirm that they comply with the geometa project MIT license and underlying guidelines.
Contributions and Licensing Agreement Template <#contributions-and-licensing-agreement-template>
_). This is only required once
Contributions and Licensing Agreement Template <#contributions-and-licensing-agreement-template>
_). This is only required for a contributor’s first pull request. Subsequent pull requests do not require this step
Code, tests, documentation, wiki and issue tracking are all managed on GitHub. Make sure you have a GitHub account <>
wiki <>
_ documents an overview of the packagegeometa’s issue tracker <>
_ is the place to report bugs or request enhancements. To submit a bug be sure to specify the geometa version you are using, the appropriate component, a description of how to reproduce the bug, as well as what version of R and platform.
Contributions are most easily managed via GitHub pull requests. Fork <>
_ geometa into your own GitHub repository to be able to commit your work and submit pull requests.
) in the Git commit log messageThis section will guide you through steps of working on geometa. This section assumes you have forked geometa into your own GitHub repository. * create a branch with a meaningful name, and referencing the issue number * commit your changes (including unit/integration tests if needed) into this branch * push the branch/commits to your Github fork
Your changes are now visible on your geometa repository on GitHub. You are now ready to create a pull request. A member of the geometa team will review the pull request and provide feedback / suggestions if required. If changes are required, make them against the same branch and push as per above (all changes to the branch in the pull request apply).
If ready for integration, the pull request will then be merged by the geometa team. You can then delete your local branch (on GitHub), and then update your own repository to ensure your geometa repository is up to date with geometa master.